Bethlehem Life Church
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
Mission Statement: To give of ourselves so others may know Jesus Christ.
Worship is more that the hymns that we sing; the prayers that we pray; the sacraments that we observe and the commitment that we offer on Sunday. It is a life expression that is directed to God, Our Lord, who with great wisdom and compassion, graciously listens, forgives, saves and protects us.
Our traditional service begins with a musical prelude by our organist, followed by a "Welcome" from the pastor. The worship includes a choir's anthem, a confession, various prayers, a children's lesson (only at the 10:30 am service), an offering and the reading of the scripture.
These elements of worship prepare the listener for the sermon, which is the main focus of the morning. Through the pastor's sermon, God speaks an important message to all. The service concludes with a benediction followed by a musical postlude. The Sacrament of Communion is offered in specific Sunday services throughout the year.
Those who prefer the traditional service often cite the rich heritage of hymns whose theology brings a further teaching through music.
The choir's anthem is another important element drawing one closer to God.
The main sanctuary has an array of incredibly beautiful stained glass windows as well as a number of unique architectural features which create a sacred atmosphere.
The teaching is centered in the Bible and provides empirical applications to our daily life. The messages are inspirational and will encourage and challenge you in your relationship with God, family and friends.
The style of music led primarily by the Chancel Choir includes the classical to the country and from the country to the spiritual.
This service is attended by children, teenagers and adults. Dress may be business or casual attire. Fellowship is available after the 10:30 service. 
Early service: 8:00 am
Late Morning service; 10:30 am
Child care is available during the 10:30 am service.